Bringing efficiencies to the international private medical insurance market

Health Compass brings together key aspects of the international private medical insurance (IPMI) market to create a single cohesive and efficient ‘Ecosystem’.

The IPMI sector has been a consistently growing market for many years. Insurance providers are citing a strong pandemic recovery in 2021 with 2022 looking even more positive. 

With high premiums, generous commissions and customers often sticking with the same provider for several years, the IPMI market can be lucrative for intermediaries.

Like any market, however, IPMI has its transactional challenges for intermediaries.

Health Compass solves many of these challenges by optimising how each element of the transaction process interacts with each other to make the market more efficient.

Intermediaries can immediately access a network of the world’s leading insurance providers and transact business in an automated and fully compliant environment. Whole-market search are quick and easy – ensuring the customer gets the cover they need at a price they can afford.  Brokers are connected to the world and many markets they cannot currently reach.

Health Compass:
the next stage of broker networks and a new Ecosystem for the international private medical insurance market

Insurers on the platform
